
Importance of valve quality

2014-08-13 Number of attention:

China's modern industry has always played a leading role in the national economy, and the super-strong development of industry is an important symbol of China's modernization level. As an indispensable mechanical equipment for enterprises, in recent years, with the rise and development of industrial enterprises, the valve gradually forms a vibrant and dynamic market. China's valve manufacturing industry has formed a unique pattern. On the basis of the wide application of high-tech achievements and world advanced technology, product quality has been continuously improved, providing a strong guarantee for industrial development.

Valves play an extremely important role in the production of enterprises, and are indispensable machinery and equipment in all walks of life. Valve products are widely used in petroleum, chemical, steel, pharmaceutical, environmental protection, mining, paper, urban construction, water supply and drainage industries, so people do not know much. But valves are indeed closely linked to people's lives. Perhaps it will be remembered that it was in the movies that black oil rolled out of a giant valve that was impressed when the oil worker turned it with his big hand. When it comes to winter, a heating company has to stop heating because a pipeline valve fails and needs to be replaced. The valve is directly related to people, so the use of the valve is not far away from people. At the same time, we can see that the quality of the valve plays an important role in the production of enterprises. Often due to a valve quality problem, may lead to safety accidents and shutdown accidents, and even cause serious economic losses. Every effort to ensure the quality of the valve has become a great responsibility for every manufacturer.

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